Win this 2025 Harley Davidson Road Glide!!  2025-02-07 05:00:00Z 0
Dragon Boats are Coming Pat Anderson 2025-02-06 05:00:00Z 0

2021 Motorcycle Raffle Winner

Raymond Moss from the 413 in Massachusetts
Raymond purchased his ticket ON LINE several weeks before Bike Week
MANY THANKS to all who supported our 2021 Motorcycle Raffle
2021 Motorcycle Raffle Winner 2021-04-01 04:00:00Z 0

2020 Motorcycle Raffle Winner Announced

Ed's ticket was drawn Sunday, August 30th.  Stay tuned for more pictures of this overwhelming turn of events.
Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets.  Your generosity helps to sustain the important work of many benevolent organizations.  Without you, this would not be possible.
Please ride safe; we look forward to seeing you next year!!!
2020 Motorcycle Raffle Winner Announced JM 2020-08-31 04:00:00Z 0
2019 Harley Davidson FLHX Street Glide Winner PATRICIA ANDERSON 2019-05-23 04:00:00Z 0
Golf Tournament Winners, Senior Division 2019-05-13 04:00:00Z 0
Volunteer with Rotary at the BCCD Wetlands Walk Kevin Conway 2019-04-05 04:00:00Z 0
Laconia Rotary Annual Indoor Golf Event 2018-03-19 04:00:00Z 0
2018 Motorcycle Raffle Winner Patricia Anderson 2018-02-12 05:00:00Z 0
Rwanda Children Education Foundation visits Laconia Rotary Club 2017-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

Congratulations to our 2017 Motorcycle Winner!

Gabriel Ungureanu (left) is this year’s Laconia Rotary Raffle winner of the 2017 Harley Davidson Streetglide. He is congratulated by Craig Sikoski (center), Laconia Rotary Motorcycle Chairperson along with Ray Defelice, Sales Manager (right) of Heritage Harley Davidson.
Congratulations to our 2017 Motorcycle Winner! 2017-06-27 04:00:00Z 0

Laconia Rotary Club Celebrates New Members at May 25 Induction

On May 25, with much enthusiasm from a full house, Laconia Rotary celebrated the first group of new members inducted into the Club through the Business Connection Program. Pictured left to right (standing): Jennifer Anderson and Tara Shore (Belknap Mill Society); Carmen Lorenz (LACLT); Kevin Conway (sponsor); Rod Dyer and Bret Allard (Wescott Law) and (front): Tricia Patten (LRCS) and Caitlin Meaney (LACLT).   
Laconia Rotary Club Celebrates New Members at May 25 Induction KD 2017-06-14 04:00:00Z 0
Laconia Rotary Club Open House 2017-02-13 05:00:00Z 0

Motorcycle Accepted for 2017 Raffle

Posted on Jan 05, 2017
 The Laconia Rotary Club's 25th Annual Motorcycle Raffle is underway and this year's prize is the best yet. In this photo Laconia Rotary, Motorcycle Chairman, Craig Sikoski takes delivery of this year's Motorcycle Raffle Grand Prize, a 2017 Harley Davidson Streetglide in Velocity Red Sun-glo from Heritage Harley-Davidson Sales Manager, Ray Defelice. This year's model comes with many new features like upgraded front and rear suspension and the much anticipated new more powerful 107ci engine.  Your chance to win this fine machine costs only $20 per ticket and with only 3,000 tickets to be sold you've got great odds to be riding in style this summer. Online ticket sales are now closed for this raffle.

Motorcycle Accepted for 2017 Raffle Pat Anderson 2017-01-05 05:00:00Z 0
It's Like Playing Hazeltine National! Pat Anderson 2017-01-04 05:00:00Z 0

We Have a Winner!

Posted by Kristen Welch
Congratulations to Mr. Joseph Devona of Lisbon, CT!  Mr. Devona is the winner of Laconia Rotary Club's 24th Annual Charity Raffle and is the proud new owner of a 2016 Harley-Davidson StreetGlide!  Thank you to everyone who supported this year's raffle, and to all of the members of Laconia Rotary who volunteered countless hours of their time to make the event a success.
We Have a Winner! Kristen Welch 2016-06-20 04:00:00Z 0
Motorcycle Raffle Tickets Onlline Pat Anderson 2016-06-16 04:00:00Z 0

Winni Derby Suspended for 2016

Posted by Kristen Welch on Mar 12, 2016
Winni Derby Suspended for 2016
The Board of Directors of Laconia Rotary Club announced today that the 34th Annual Winni Derby, originally scheduled for May 13th to 15th, will be suspended for 2016.  Event organizers received approval from NH Fish & Game to suspend the event for one year due to extenuating circumstances.
“We regret having to make this decision,” stated Kristen Welch, President of Laconia Rotary, “Laconia Rotary is aware there are many anglers and their families who participate in the tradition of the Winni Derby each year, and we apologize for any inconvenience.  We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm we have received for this event, and appreciate all who have contributed to its past success.”
Laconia Rotary is seeking partner organizations for the 2017 Winni Derby.  Please contact event organizers at 603-848-3474 or email for more information.
Winni Derby Suspended for 2016 Kristen Welch 2016-03-12 05:00:00Z 0
Laconia Rotary Hosts Indoor Golf Tournament 2015-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

Laconia Rotary Elects New Board Members

Laconia Rotary recently elected its slate of officers for 2015-2016, and installed Kristen Welch as President.  Ms. Welch has been a member of Rotary for five years and is employed as the Director of Development & Communications at Genesis Behavioral Health in Laconia. 
The following individuals were elected to the Board of Directors:  Pat Anderson, Retired Army Nurse, Immediate Past President; Joanne Piper Lang, Director of Development at Lakes Region Community Services, President Elect; Hazel Zimmer, Social Worker, Secretary; Jon Nivus, Retired Lawyer, Treasurer; Andrew Wilkins, Commercial Account Executive at Cross Insurance, Sergeant-At-Arms; and Mayor Ed Engler; Rob Stewart, President of All Brite Cleaning & Restoration, Inc.; and Curtis Stafford, President of Stafford Oil Company, as Directors.
Laconia Rotary Elects New Board Members Kristen Welch 2015-09-08 04:00:00Z 0

MA Man Wins Motorcycle Raffle

Posted on Jun 20, 2015
Paul Morris of Pepperell, MA. was the winner of Laconia Rotary's raffle for a 2015 Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHXS Special.  Mr. Morris purchased his ticket on Wednesday, June 17 at the booth on Lakeside Ave in the Weirs.
Special thanks go to Heritage Harley-Davidson of Concord for the assistance they provide to Laconia Rotary in connection with the raffle this year.  Their efforts were a big help, which allowed the Rotarians to sell all of the raffle tickets.  Also thanks go to all of the Laconia Rotarians and friends who gave up their time to sell tickets and make this event a success.  Thanks to all of the ticket purchasers and the funds they provided to permit Laconia Rotary to continue its efforts to improve our local community and assist in international efforts.
MA Man Wins Motorcycle Raffle Jon Nivus 2015-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

We Help Local Organizations

Posted on Feb 01, 2015
Did you know that 100% of the money from community fundraising activities by the Laconia Rotary Club goes back into the local community? All of the national and international donations and administrative costs are funded through other activities and sources.
We Help Local Organizations 2015-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Laconia Rotary Hosts Tubing Fundraiser for Boys & Girls Club

Posted by Patricia Anderson on Jan 10, 2015

 Laconia Rotary will host a “U Tube” Benefit for Boys & Girls Club of the Lakes Region at Gunstock Mountain Resort on Sunday, January 25, 2015.  Join us between 4:30 and 7:30 pm for an evening of fun under the lights at Gunstock, including 3 hours of tubing, Big Air Bag Launch Ride (weather permitting), fire pit, s’mores and hot chocolate, hourly prizes, entry into the grand prize giveaway Ski & Stay Package, and raffle.  The cost of the event is $30 per person or $25 per person for groups of 4 or more. Tickets can be purchased online at


“We’re excited to partner with Gunstock to host this fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club,” said Rob Stewart, Committee Chair, “It promises to be a fun event for everyone, from families to children of all ages.  We hope the community comes out to support a worthy cause while enjoying a great evening of after-hours tubing and so much more.”


“The Boys & Girls Club of the Lakes Region serves hundreds of children from throughout the area, and provides them with the life skills needed to become productive members of the community,” said Laconia Police Chief Christopher Adams, who serves as a BGCLR  board member, “We are grateful to Laconia Rotary Club for supporting our work.”

Laconia Rotary Hosts Tubing Fundraiser for Boys & Girls Club Patricia Anderson 2015-01-10 05:00:00Z 0
Laconia Youth Soccer League’s 2013 Laconia Rotary Team Patricia Anderson 2014-07-15 00:00:00Z 0

Belmont NH man wins raffle

Posted by Jon F. Nivus on Jun 26, 2014


The winning ticket for the 2014 Laconia Raffle Charity Raffle was drawn by a Laconia police officer on June 22, 2014 at our booth in the Weirs.  The winner was Joseph Hayes of Belmont, NH.  He decided to take the cash prize of $20,000.  His wife purchased the ticket for him at the booth during Bike Week.

Jon Nivus, chairman of the event for Laconia Rotary commented, “Thanks to all the  people who purchased tickets for the raffle.  Although the raffle did not meet our revenue goal, it did provide fellowship for our members.  Congratulations to the winner, and thanks to all of the Rotarians who participate in this event."

Belmont NH man wins raffle Jon F. Nivus 2014-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

Pancake Breakfast to Benefit Boys & Girls Club of the Lakes Region

Posted by Patricia Anderson on Mar 10, 2014
ImageLaconia Police Chief and President of the Boys & Girls Club Board of Directors, Chris Adams, is ready to dig into pancakes to be served by Rotarians President Charlie Bullerwell, Mayor Ed Engler and Diane LaBrie.

Mark your calendars and come hungry to an All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast hosted by Laconia Rotary Club on Sunday, March 30, 2014 from 8 AM to 1 PM. The event will take place at the Boys & Girls Club of the Lakes Region, 888 North Main Street, Laconia. Breakfast is $5 per person or $20 per family and includes pancakes, sausage, orange juice and coffee. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Boys & Girls Club for the purchase and renovation of their new home at the former St. James Church.

“The Boys and Girls Club of the Lakes Region serves hundreds of children from throughout the area, and provides them with the life skills needed to become productive members of the community,” said Laconia Police Chief Christopher Adams, who serves as President of the Board of Directors, “After a long journey, we have finally found a wonderful property that our community’s youngsters will be able to call home for many years to come. We are grateful to Laconia Rotary Club for supporting our work.”

Laconia Rotary is seeking donations of pancake mix, sausage, maple syrup, orange juice and coffee for the event. If you are interested in donating product or making a cash donation, please contact Pat Anderson at 556-9956 or email
Pancake Breakfast to Benefit Boys & Girls Club of the Lakes Region Patricia Anderson 2014-03-11 00:00:00Z 0

William Gray wins 2013 Harley Davidson motorcycle

Posted by Jon F. Nivus on Jun 16, 2013


William Gray of Gilford, NH was the lucky winner of the 2013 Charity Raffle of the Laconia Rotary Club.  Mr. Gray won a Hertitage Softtail Classic in the drawing done on June 16, 2013.  Mr. Gray had a good weekend, since his birthday was on Saturday and Father's Day and winning the bike was on Sunday.  After receiving the call about the drawing, Mr. Gray came to the Weirs to inspect his new motorcycle.  He currently has a motorcycle, but this will be a nice replacement.  Mr. Gray purchased his tickets at the officer of P. K. Shetty, M.D., about a month ago.

Pictured is John Moriarty, President of Laconia Rotary Club congratulating Mr. Gray on winning the motorcycle.

Thanks to all who purchased raffle tickets and good luck next year.  Your purchases enable the Laconia Rotary Club to make significant contributions to the youth and elderly of Laconia and support the work of the Rotary International Foundation throughout the world, and in particular the eradication of polio.

William Gray wins 2013 Harley Davidson motorcycle Jon F. Nivus 2013-06-17 00:00:00Z 0

Motorcycle Raffle Tickets Sold In Wilmington

Posted by Patricia Anderson on Mar 18, 2013

We're making progress in our goal to raise money to benefit community activities by selling motorcycle raffle tickets. This picture shows Rotarians Dadian and Brody manning our booth at the Wilmington Mototcycle Show.


Motorcycle Raffle Tickets Sold In Wilmington Patricia Anderson 2013-03-19 00:00:00Z 0

Laconia Rotary Supports Community Activities

Posted by Patricia Anderson on Feb 25, 2013

One of the ways Laconia Rotary supports our community (and sometimes even worldwide projects) is by providing financial donations. We have recently participated in the following:

Scholarships for Lakes Region Students

Got Lunch

Senior-Senior Dance

National History Day

Laconia Library Reading Program

Laconia Little League

Child Advocate Center

Brownie Scout Dance

Pancake Breakfast at St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Garden Artisans

Rotary International Foundation

Shelter Box USA


City of Laconia Lights for Sledding Hill

Senior Santa

Tulips for Stewart Park

New Hampshire Veteran's Association

Rotary Park Daylilies and a Granite Sign

Belknap Mill Society

Multicultural Market Day

House renovation to accomodate a disabled individual

Rotary District 7870 Foundation

Honor Flight NE

Holiday Parade

Carey House Raised Gardens

Wreaths Across America

Hurricane Irene Relief


Laconia Rotary Supports Community Activities Patricia Anderson 2013-02-26 00:00:00Z 0

Donation to ShelterBox

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President-Elect Diane LaBrie presents a check to the local ShelterBox representative.
Donation to ShelterBox 0

Bell Ringing

Posted by Gary Dionne
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Roy Carsen, Warren Clement & Diane LaBrie ringing bells and collecting donations for the Salvation Army on Main Street, Laconia (12-24-10)
Bell Ringing Gary Dionne 0

Secret Santa for Seniors

Posted by Randy Brough
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First half of project completed Saturday, December 18. Nine members of LHS Interact Club, along with advisors Tracie Corbet & Wendy Merkwan met with three Laconia Rotary members to shop & wrap gifts for local seniors.
Secret Santa for Seniors Randy Brough 0

Wreaths Across America 2010

Posted by Warren Clement
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Saturday, December 11 saw many member of Laconia Rotary, assisted by many other volunteers, placing Christmas wreaths at the gravesites of veterans interred at Bayside Cemetary in Laconia.
Wreaths Across America 2010 Warren Clement 0

Baby Threads Project 2010

Posted by Gary Dionne
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On Tuesday, November 23 we made a road trip to buy three new quilting machines & quilting materials for Baby Threads of Laconia!
Baby Threads Project 2010 Gary Dionne 0

Sandwich Fair 2010

Posted by Gary Dionne
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Beautiful weather all weekend made for a great opportunity to enjoy the fair & sell raffle tickets for our 2011 Harley-Davidson Street Glide!
Sandwich Fair 2010 Gary Dionne 0
Highway Cleanup 2010 Gary Dionne 0

District Governor Visits

Posted by Gary Dionne
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Rick Manganello, District 7870 Governor visited our club this week. DG Rick congratulated Laconia Rotary for our past accomplishments & asked how he could help us to reach our goals. He also shared some ideas about using Rotary Foundation grants to multiply the financial effect of international projects.
District Governor Visits Gary Dionne 0

And the Winner is....

Posted by Diane LaBrie
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Well after a slow start - Bike Week was a success!! Bike Week 2010 at Weirs Beach, NH came and went - thousands of bikers from everywhere gathered to see & be seen! Let's give a HUGE congratulations to our winner - Bud Lefebvre from Gilford NH!!! He is anxious to get his bike and be on the Road!!
And the Winner is.... Diane LaBrie 0

Getting Ready for Bike Week!

Posted by Dean Ingram
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Don't forget to signup to help - we are still very light with help for Bike Week towards the end! Craig needs one more person Wednesday night - as he has to leave early...Friday and Saturday nights are our biggest...and we definitely need help then!!
Getting Ready for Bike Week! Dean Ingram 0
Pancake Breafast 2010 a sucess! Gary Dionne 0